I wanted to take a couple of photos of what has been waiting for me at work over the last 2+ weeks, unfortunately the battery was 'depleted'. Never mind - it has been over-whelming, but the end is in sight!
Here are some before (weeding) and after photos:
partial view of adult non-fiction |
I hated shelving in the middle of this aisle - it was the cookery book section - 2+ bays cramped full!
half of the children non-fiction |
This was another area I hated shelving and checking - far too full, plus lots of old irrelevant stock.
children's picture books, plus junior fiction |
Another area where lots of good books were not taken out because you couldn't find anything easily.
junior fiction area |
Here are the same shelves now that the weeding is completed!
partial view of the adult non-fiction |
WooHoo! from 2+ bays of cookery to
THREE (3) shelves! No more fighting to find a book, or trying to shelve them - AND I can see if they are out of order soooo much easier!
children non-fiction |
Much more relevant and easier to find books :)
picture books |
Now that there is space at the end of the shelves, I can display the front of books. I have also re-arranged another display area and find that without so many books on it (currently I choose an author on one side, and on the other have new books) I am having to restock every day - oh! joy! The books are being used!
was the junior fiction |
The shelves along this wall had a mix of junior/teen fiction (from A - H). My trusty volunteer and I have made it just for teens - like from 11 years and onwards. The junior fiction takes up the rest of the shelving in this area.
I think that in total, after the weeding, the shelf space has been reduced by more than 50 shelves.
By the end of the week I will have numbers of the books deleted from the catalogue.
My sincere thanks to Anthony Lewis, Palmerston North City Librarian, Hayley Parsons, a very hard-working volunteer who has been in every day for almost 3 weeks, and Marjorie Dawson, who is a friend and library colleague, who has come out to assist many times over the last 2 weeks.
Without their help, it would have taken me AT LEAST 12 months to do the weeding.
I tell you, I'm pretty tired at the end of the day and haven't been very creative, but this library is going to be fantastic!